Nguyen Ngoc Tu - You Do It

"You Do It" is an effect by our very own Tu. If you have ever contacted our customer service department, the likelihood is that Tu has got back to you. He is a hardworking, and highly skilled magician who lives in Vietnam.
With any deck of cards (it can be borrowed if you wish), you have a card selected. There is no force. You then have the spectator mix the card back into the deck. Magicians, prepared to be fooled by how fair this procedure is!
You request that the spectator cuts off any amount of cards from the deck. This amount, you explain, will tell you exactly where their selection is.
They cut off 15 cards, for example. You count down to the fifteenth card in the packet on the table and find their card!
There are two principles taught in this download that you will be able to apply to many effects. If you enjoy fooling magicians, this effect is a must have.
What is most striking about his magic is how distinctive it is. It feels raw and unvarnished. Don't let that lull you into a false sense of security. We are always inspired by how Vietnamese magicians take old, outdated methods and bring them into the 21st century.
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