
Alfredo Gile - The Four Aces

The Four Aces by Alfredo Gile
"The Four Aces" is a little miracle, a "no way" impromptu trick with playing cards. You show a little bottle with some predictions inside. Then the spectator shuffles the deck of cards and he finds instantly the four Aces under your control...following your instructions only!
  • 100 % impromptu
  • 100 % examinable
  • No gimmick
  • No electronics
  • No forced cards
  • Easy to do
Note: the little bottle is not included
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  • Original title: The Four Aces by Alfredo Gile
  • Release date: 11-06-2020
  • Genre: Card Magic
  • Directors: Murphy's Distribution
  • Rating: 0 votes
  • Duration: 00:10:02
  • Views: 41 views
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