
Paul Gordon - Seven Useful Packet Trick Card Sleights

Seven Useful Packet Trick Card Sleights by Paul Gordon

Paul Gordon has been named by Jeff McBride as one of the best teachers in magic. Here, Paul teaches The Elmsely Count, The Jordan Count, The Omega Count, The Hamman Count, The Buckle Count, The Bilis Double Lift and the Block Push Off Multiple Lift in full detail on just one video. These sleights are the most used in packet tricks and Paul ensures you will learn them properly!

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  • Original title: Seven Useful Packet Trick Card Sleights by Paul Gordon
  • Release date: 08-10-2020
  • Genre: Card Magic
  • Directors: Murphy's Distribution
  • Rating: 5.0 1 votes
  • Duration: 00:23:01
  • Views: 137 views
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