
Alex Hansford - Hessian

Hessian by Alex Hansford

From the mind of Alex Hansford comes Hessian -- an ultra modern handling of the classic General Card. Alex's routine is what we love to see in magic: it's aesthetic, streamlined, and minimalistic. Each move flows beautifully into the next creating an effect that isn't just amazing, but an absolute joy to watch. Join us as we learn from Alex in over an hour of detailed instruction, not only an incredible trick, but two new moves that we knew we couldn't leave out of our personal arsenal.

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  • Original title: Hessian by Alex Hansford
  • Release date: 06-08-2016
  • Genre: Card Magic
  • Directors: Art of Magic
  • Rating: 0 votes
  • Duration: 01:12:33
  • Views: 185 views
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