First up this month we haveĀ Think Nguyen, who is known for his minimalistic, powerful, and creative approach to card magic. Having spent the last 3 years lecturing all over the world, he's already considered among the giants in the field; a rising star in magic. His passion for the art led him to work on many projects with the biggest names in the magic industry, and his first release, Parallels, was a huge hit of the world renowned Blackpool Convention. In this lecture, you'll not only witness Think's innovative, well structured, and fooling card magic, but he'll also explain it all to you in detail. Come have a peek into Think's rare and unique mind.

Next up we haveĀ Nicholas Lawrence, who has been obsessed with magic for the last 20 years and in just the last 5 years, he has published over 11 DVDs and well over 30 effects, with much more to come. He's considered one of the most creative minds in the field of magic. He specializes in creating visual card, coin and organic close-up magic. He lives to inspire performers around the world, to try new things, and add hyper visual moments to their repertoires. Nicholas is also the one of the founders and co-owners of Abstract Effects along with The Other Brothers, where he now resides in Las Vegas, Nevada.

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Unknown 2019 270 views

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  • eric edelmann - 22 September, 2019

    How can I have access to this site?Thank you

    • On Magic Land - 24 September, 2019

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