
Justin Higham Collection

Justin Higham Volume 1, 2, 3

Justin Higham has become an underground legend in England. His name is always mentioned when the subject of great card men comes up in the UK. Justin has been performing, creating and thinking about magic for over 30 years and since 1985 he has published over 15 books on card magic. A good friend and overseas Student of the Great Edward Marlo, Justin is ready to share some of his favourite effects and expertise with The Modus.

Volume 1:

  • Fake cut principle: The aces are convincingly lost into the deck and the pack is shuffled. However, you are able to freely cut to an ace anytime you like.
  • Illogical controls: Justin explains five illogical card controls, which he uses effortlessly to control single, or multiple cards.
  • Spectator cuts a run of seven: Justin’s take on spectator cuts to aces where the spectator cut to ace through to seven in perfect numerical order.
  • Strip cut aces: A blue backed deck is shuffled and the four aces are produced one at a time. Not only have you found the aces but also they are now the only cards with a blue back, as the deck has now turned red.

Volume 2:

  • Mind Reader's Lucid Dream: The spectator freely thinks of any card (no force or peeks). The magician then tells them not only which card they are thinking of, but also cuts directly to the card and it's three mates from a shuffled deck.
  • Mirrored Conincidence: The magician and spectator each take half a deck of cards are split them in half, it is then revealed that they have cut directly to a four of a kind.
  • Off-centre Coincidence: The spectator and magician each shuffle half a deck of cards and remember a card. The cards are then shuffled together and split into two, however amazingly, when cards are dealt out the chosen cards are at equal positions.

Volume 3:

  • Jungian Poker: In this routine, Justin will teach you how to locate a spectator’s thought of card and its matching straight flush cards – with no sleights.
  • Frank Lane Returns: The spectator cuts off half the deck and names a number of poker hands to be dealt from the cut point. Not only will the magician win, but with a royal flush. No false deals.
  • Two-Phase Shuffling Lesson: Justin’s version of Chad Long’s ‘shuffling lesson’. The spectator genuinely shuffles their half and yet ends up with the four Aces.B.D.C. Face-Up Poker: With this versatile application of the Bottom Deal, you will stack the Aces into any number of poker hands the spectator wishes under the guise of ‘memorising the deck’.
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  • Original title: Justin Higham Volume 1, 2, 3
  • Release date: 21-02-2016
  • Genre: Card Magic
  • Directors: The Modus
  • Rating: 0 votes
  • Duration: 01:12:38
  • Views: 177 views
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