Tarbell – Every Trick in the Book Book 1 - Lesson 6

Lesson 6: The Thumb Tip

There's a clever piece of apparatus out there that lets you perform multiple miracles with your bare hands.

It hides in plain sight, allowing you to vanish, produce and change items while your hands seem to be completely empty.

Perhaps you've heard of it... perhaps you have one?

If not, you'll definitely want one after you see what can be done with it.

In this lesson, Dan will show you:

  • How to get rid of annoying cigarette smoke
  • How to control the element of fire
  • How to instantly restore damaged electronics
  • How to vanish over 800 things at the same time... and more!

You're going to learn the proper way to employ one of my favorite devices. Join Dan as he teaches you tricks with The Thumb Tip!

Tricks Included:

  • Mystery of the Burning Cigarette
  • The Asbestos Palm
  • Burning a Borrowed Handkerchief
  • The Enchanted Paper
  • The Passe-Passe Salt
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